The health and wellbeing of trans and queer youth of color is central to what we do every day in the GSA movement—whether that’s organizing for justice, creating safe spaces in schools, or advocating for comprehensive sex education.
Taking care of ourselves and those around us is integral to a thriving movement and our own personal well-being. In the face of a global pandemic, it is now more important than ever to find time to center ourselves and build a strong community of support.
Wellness encompasses a wide variety of activities, from art to music to reflective exercises. The Trans & Queer Wellness Resources page was developed specifically for trans and queer youth of color who are working to create change in their schools and communities while balancing their physical and mental wellness.
Every day is a good day for wellness!
Click here to check out all the available wellness resources we have to offer trans and queer youth, including recommended readings, fun/relaxing activities, thought-provoking activities, guided meditations/discussions, documentaries, happy queer movies, and more!
For more #WellnessWednesday resources, check out our Instagram page!