Meet Lena! (Poem supported by Nat’l TRUTH Council Member Avery)

TRUTH works to uplift the stories and narratives of trans + nonbinary young people everywhere; we also know our stories can take various mediums. Enjoy this poem written by Lena from Georgia.

In the Sands by Lena


Is called so many things

A river

An ocean

A universe

A burden

A gift

I never knew what I thought

I knew time was passing

And as I grew older

Some deadline

Invisible to me,

But approaching all the same,

Gave me a sense

That I was


But one day

I realized

The only thing that was failing

Was the society

That told me

I should stay as I was


Would bring more pain

I changed

I gave myself


To be who I am

I lost my chains

I lost my deadlines

And yes

I lost people

But I found
