GSA Day for gender justice 2022
GSA Day for Gender Justice (#GSADay4GJ) is a national day of action for GSA clubs, TQ2S+ youth, and allies to center trans, nonbinary, and gender diverse people and mobilize for their liberation.
The National TRUTH Council leads #GSADay4GJ through creative storytelling and media projects.
In 2018, the team wrote and published their Nine-Point Platform for liberation, outlining the themes of upcoming annual #GSADay4GJ campaigns.
#GSADay4GJ is on Friday, November 11, 2022!
This year, TRUTH is calling on GSAs to mobilize around the fourth point of the platform:
We Call for an End of the Cisgender Heterosexual Patriarchy.
We recognize that the current state of the world centralizes the stories of white, cisgender, heterosexual men. We call for the end of a social structure that separates or determines the value of people on gender expectations from historical Europe. We demand that queer and/or TGNC people no longer be oppressed by these frameworks, institutions, and their enablers.
Calls to Action!
1. Register for the General Assembly on Nov. 11 from 3:30-5pm PST/ 6:30-8pm EST!
This general assembly is hosted by and for TQ2S+ youth! Click here to register and learn more about the history and current landscape of the gender justice movement, share collective dreams of a liberated future, and engage with truth-telling through the arts!
2. Create Art Pieces!
Create art pieces and/or zines centered around gender justice and this year’s theme, “We Call for an End of the Cisgender Heterosexual Patriarchy.” Be sure to tag us @ourtranstruth and use the hashtag #GSADay4GJ. We can’t wait to see what you create!
3. Connect with us on Social Media!
We invite youth leaders to connect with TRUTH on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @ourtranstruth!

previous campaigns:
- 2021: We Call for an End to Disposability Politics and a Commitment to Transformative Justice
- 2020: We Call for the Abolition of the Police, ICE, Borders and the Judicial System
- 2019: We Call for the Right to Self-Determination
- 2018: Nine-Point Platform Launch
- 2017: What does Gender Justice mean to you?
- 2016: #MyTransBodyIs