Yay, you’ve made it to the GSA Day 4 Gender Justice 2020 home base!
This is where you can find information about the history of GSA Day, what we’re planning for this year, and for ways you can get involved in the action! This is also where you can find this year’s new Nine-Point Platform art work, so be sure to come back on #GSADay4GJ to see the reveal!
On November 13, 2020, the National Trans Youth Council invites you to join us for GSA Day 4 Gender Justice (#GSADay4GJ)! GSA Day is our youth leaders’ annual call to action, centering a movement for a future that is free of gender-based violence, with an emhpasis on the lived realities of young trans and nonbinary people.
Following the 2018 release of the National Trans Youth Council’s Nine-Point Platform, we are focusing our days of action on each of the nine-points. This year, we’re calling for the abolition of the police, ICE, borders and the judicial system.

This November, we’re calling on ALL clubs and organizers to join the action. We are excited to share some ways your club or you as an individual can join in.

On Tuesday, November 11, 2020, the National Trans Youth Council will be hosting a Twitter Townhall from 4pm-5pm PST/ 7pm-8pm EST. Join us for trans youth-driven conversation about what a future with less police and state violence can look like.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter @ ourtranstruth.
You can also download the Twitter Townhall Toolkit to read up on the questions!
Here are other ways to organize in your area!
This GSA Day, let’s talk about abolition! One of our goals for this GSA Day is to encourage youth leaders to engage in conversations about what abolition is and how it connects apply to our lives as queer and trans young people. Clubs (or even groups of friends) can hold virtual GSA meetings on or around 11/13 and facilitate a conversation that feels relevant and connected to your campus climate and the experiences of those in your club.
Download our Discussion Guide here:DownloadCREATE ART
Create a zine, podcast, poem, or video about abolition and what it means to you. Oftentimes we can use art to relay messages or teach others about a topic we care about. Be creative in this process, and consider reaching out to your friends to create something together!
If you’re interested in making a zine, check out Canva! It’s a good place to start if you want to create a zine or poem graphic! It is user friendly and a great way to make your small booklet!
If you’re interested in making a video, check out apps like Kinemaster to edit your masterpiece! Get your camera ready and start recording.
If you’re interested in making a podcast, hop on Zoom to record the convo between you and others. Once you are ready to overlap audio recordings and edit, use software like Audacity to get your podcast ready.
Once you are ready to share your work, you can use the next action to get your content out there…
On 11/13, using the media you made or any of our art pieces, take a picture and upload them to social media using the hashtag #AbolitionToMe and answer what abolition means to you.
ie: “ #abolitiontome means dreaming of a world where police do not exist in my schools and where we as queer and trans youth can exist!
We are excited to uplift what you’ve created!
Check out this zine created by Ella, Sorin, and Julien, members of our National Trans Youth Council.

to visit the gsaday4gj homepage