GSA Network's Language change announcement

GSA Network is updating its language! While we have used the acronym “LGBTQ+” to encompass our community in the past, we are shifting to “TQ2S+” (transgender, queer, Two-Spirit+) now and as we go forward.
“As we grow and expand in our trans and queer work, it’s essential we listen to our youth and partners, and in that listening we are trying to be a reflection of the work that is present on the ground. We hope that by including 2S in our language, we welcome our Native family. This is a simple way to expand our reach and create visibility for varied identities.” – LuzMarina (She/Her), Two-Spirit Initiative
The term “Two-Spirit” or “2S” refers to, “Indigenous people who have both feminine and masculine spirits. Depending on the tribe, a person’s Two-Spirit identity can describe how they express themself, what work they do in the community, and/or what role they may have in traditional ceremonies. The term was created at the 3rd Annual Native American Gay and Lesbian Gathering in 1990, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.” – Hendrix O. (they/them), New Mexico GSA Network- The Mountain Center